Thursday, June 14, 2012

Because this is my first blog ever, I will start by introducing myself.  I am a domestic engineer (housewife) mid to late 20's.  I have 3 children, 9 horses, 1 rabbit, and last but certainly not least a husband of nearly 5 years.  We live on a small farm in the Midwest, trying to become as self-sufficient as possible, and I might add that we are on the right track.  That is primarily what my blog is going to be about; my life and tips I've learned along the way......   So please if the things I post are not for you simply walk away and leave all snarky comments to yourself, as I will not respond to them and they will be completely disregarded. 

I should clarify on the 9 horses.  We currently have 8 miniature horses and 1 quarter horse who thinks he is a mini ;) The miniatures are my latest found joy.  As a little girl I dreamt of having horses and when I was little any horse would have done the trick.  While living in Washington state we often drove by a miniature horse farm on our way to church.  This started a fascination with the small creatures for me.   They were adorable, and each one has its very own and very distinct personality, almost more so than the larger breeds of horses.  Not to mention as a young girl of about 7, they were the perfect size for me to handle.  Well 20 some years later I finally have my own little horse farm! I also have way too big of a heart because I have taken in 2 that have seen better days.  My daughter has attached her self to the painted, knock-kneed mare I took in, and then I have a stallion who I am trying to find someone to give him a forever home.  As much as I would like to give every horse a home on my farm, sadly I don't have the room or finances.  The joy or helping them and finding good people for good horses is worth it. 

We had our first miniature foal born on our farm ever in May.  She is a little joy, so sunny and fun to be around.  I am a first time horse mommy with her arrival and am learning more than I ever thought I would. 

But enough for now, my laundry is screaming at me ;)